Abstraction - What?
/What does abstraction mean to me, in regard to my new BIG photo-reflection project I call ABSTRACTION? I have been altering images to my liking for some time. There has been a movement, for me, to abstraction for a while. I have less interest now in sharpness, depth of field, documentation. My interest now is light, color, design, message - altering the original view even to the point of non-recognition. I strive to raise question, not answer them. I strive to insight imagination, not clarity. I like when an image is affect, an intangible; a feeling, mood, philosophical or theological message. Be it positive. Be it delighting. Be it inspiring, Be it hopeful. Be it beautiful. Be it honoring natural awe. Flowers are a recent awe for me! I have even set up a gallery of flowers on my gallery site MESipe.com. I love it! I am not sure where my new bent will lead, but I am open to my universe. God, I pray I see your living wonder.
Fleeting Beauty