I found 2024 to pass fast. When I look back, I wonder how I fit it all in - Six trips to Minnesota to BE with family, friends, former clients and associates - A month in the Sacred Valley, Peru, with Bridget - A week in Palm Springs with family - A few shorts trips with my new love, Miss Mary Lou - Time with new friends at All Souls Interfaith Gathering, and Northern Exposure Photo Group - Self-publishing five photo books, and capturing a record number of favorite images. (See MESipe.com/MyFavoritesof2024). And, of course, my joy with connecting with my nuclear family: Bridget, Michael, Jessica, Avi, Emmett and Olive.
The most noteworthy mention about 2024, is my personal growth in my pursuit to know the significance of LOVE in my life. This is a wonderful time of my life, recognizing and reflecting on brother Richard’s comment, “The greatest task in life is to love, everything else melts away”. I have learned and felt much LOVE during 2024, while ‘taking in’, to my pursuit of enlightenment, A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love and a dozen other inspiring input. I find myself frequently saying, “unf!@#$%^believable, when I feel an immense sense of awe, while in Nature and within myself. I am learning about Spirit, Energy, and feeling the LOVE.
There is significance in LIGHT as a symbol and as life energy. My last photos of the year were at a wonderful light show at Shelburne Museum. I most frequently look for light significance in my photos.