Water Color

Light, Color, Design, and Message are attractions for my current photo project ABSTRACTION. I am shaky as to what attracts me. I guess I know it when I see it. It is fun to play with filters and cropping to excite my senses. I admire water color artists. I love to view watercolor works of art. They inspire my photography. Watercolor artists influence my photography. More literally, I like to capture colors that water absorbs, reflects, to create something that holds my view for more than a second or two.

Color of Water

Color of water

Coming out


No matter how hard I try to stay in the Present, where all that is, IS, I anticipate something to come. I can’t help it, it just happens. Fortunately, it is usually anticipating pleasure, joy. That’s ok, isn’t it? It doesn’t make any difference what you say, it will continue. I do wish though, that the dream state is a glimpse, not a fixation! I hate to miss what IS.


Dancing on Thin Ice

Back in my CPA days (the roaring 80’s 90’s), one of my partners had a saying on his wall that said… if you are going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance. Tom lived life to the fullest. The saying was apropos to grace his office wall. As I remember, Tom was fun loving - kind, adventurous - a free spirit, who flowed with the present. He is probably the same today, in his ninety’s. As I learn more about the significance of spirit, love, the soul, I appreciate more than ever Tom’s example of loving life.


Thin Ice

Water Color


Steward - a beautiful word - a beautiful relationship with all - caring about, and for, people, animals, plants - all on earth. I feel spirits seeking peace, connection with Devine source, a longing to belong in community, an interest in giving, an understanding that it is in giving we receive. This is core to all, and too frequently covered by ego interest.



I don’t think any of us have the exact same perspective on anything - that is human - that is natural. It is also human that we think everyone should have our perspective. Why would that be? I quote my mother often. She said, and I believe: Comparisons are odious. It took me a number of years to comprehend the words - to understand the meaning. I do now. It is beautiful that we are all different, and all the same. We are conditioned by our different upbringing; all of our environments. And, we are all beautifully good, at our core - our higher self. The ego gets in the way of our core goodness. We are free to choose - how wonderful an opportunity.

What’s around the corner? Is the grass greener? Who cares. The present is all there is. Live LOVE now!


the curve

Nurture Nature

With only a few weeks left of Winter - officially, that is, I say this is a real winter - cold and snowy. This Vermont Winter reminds me of a number of Winters in Minnesota - real winters, only for the hardy. I do like a respite from winter’s harshness, by flying South, especially as I age a bit. This year I am sticking it out. It is ok - in fact better than ok. The times in front of the fireplace this winter, are extra special. The drifts are amazingly beautiful. Every day views are heightened images thirsting to be captured.

The dramatic seasonal change mirrors my life changes. If I think of a life-time, I guess you can call this my last season to evolve - at least as I am earthbound. I am thinking more longterm now - eternal really - everlasting. I like what I’ve had. Who knows what is to come. The Present is all there is. As I use more right brain, and integrate my heart with my head, in the Present, I am realizing, and feeling, the importance of relationship; the importance of LOVE - LOVE, and All in relationship. I, All, have, common given essence - goodness, that when touched, by putting aside Ego, results in Heaven on Earth

Nurture Nature

Front Field

Snow Day

I remember a number of days in my seventy-eight plus years where snow falls stopped me in my tracks, and got my full attention. Actually, it brought my focus to the moment; a good thing, mostly. As a freshman at SJU, I experienced fellow students jumping out of windows into huge snow drifts. Patty and I were trapped in a temporary rental for three days until neighbors shoveled a path through the snow, which was blocking the front door. There was a three day period where I was unable to commute back to Minneapolis from St. Cloud because of a snow and ice storm. Now, falling in three feet of the powdery, snow shoes attached, and not being able to get up. Well, I did get up, eventually, after relieving myself, taking off my snow shoes, and strategizing the poles just right to leverage an upright. It was a little difficult and cold, carrying the shoes and poles through the the deep fluffy from the front field of Purple Lark Farm to the warmth of home. I am here and content to tell about it! The snow is beautiful though!

snowed In

Snow Day

Winter Reflection

I am amazed - I open my reticular activator, and I see what I am looking for.

I have this new photo project I call Abstraction. I am not sure where I am going with it, which is not unlike any other of my photo projects. However, this is different. Most of the images that have got my attention in the last ten years have been horizons - water, sky, mountains. Abstraction can take me anywhere. The funny thing is, I am seeing images all over that are new beauties to me. This is my reticular activator in motion!

I am learning I see and connect with what I am looking for. The mind is a powerful thing, capable of taking me to places I haven’t imaged. I guess “believing is seeing”!

winter reflection


I reflect on the Sun, Light, Energy. WOW. Without the Sun what would be? So far away; perfectly so. Clouds can’t stop the natural nurture - light entires, heats, reflects, inspires. Our little earth rotates about, casting seasonal change for some. So little change - So much a difference . I am aware, in this moment. I am grateful, mindful, present.




Winter - Ice, Snow, Fire - can be nice. My mother always said: “everything in moderation”. Winter nature is a good example. Too cold, too much snow, uncontrolled fires are problematic. Just the right amount of nature elements is wonderful. I am grateful when that IS. I wish to Integrate and know I am just another element of nature. Go with the flow Mike. I am not in control, but I am one with all - interconnected. I wish to be grateful for all. Progress to BE.


The Source


It was 3 years ago, the 25th of January, at 4:44pm that Patty moved on. I have moved on too, but differently. Both are good. Heaven on earth, and peace and felicity. It is intended and innate.

I miss Patty but know that she is in a blissful place. Body gone - All Spirit - Uncertain. Patty’s passing prompted my Skyward Photo project, which I finished in 2024. She was influential with the philosophy of ADVOCATE PLANNING, To Do What You Love to Do, and the supplement Live LOVE, completed in 2024. (All viewable at MikeSipe.com).

I will not forget Patty. However, I do not fixate on the past. I do not worry about the future. My quest is to BE in the present. I am making progress as I learn about body brain, chakras, energy, mindfulness, left-brain/right-brain, body plasticity. It is unbelievable how beneficial The Course in Miracles, A Course of LOVE, and many other books of the same nature, have been for me. Thank you Patty for leaving your mark on me.


Patty close up


Imagine, paying for the privilege to shop there! I finally became a member at Costco - a gift from Miss Mary Lou. I like the Costco model. I bought stock in Costco, because I herd the president limits his/her yearly compensation to only $400,000 (it’s relatively low, you know). The CEO’s of large public companies are disgraceful in accepting humongous salaries, as struggling loyal workers among us get diddly shit.

Anyway, my first experience was interesting - maybe a bit bizarre. The place is humongous, like the CEO compensations I spoke of - everything big. Of course you know this because, everyone is a member. There is a zillion people shopping with car size carts, overflowing - buying minimum size stuff that will last an eternity. I needed a tube of Crest. The buying unit was five, family size. It will be interesting to see how long the supply lasts, for this singe set of pealies. I predict a year, maybe two. Maybe it will out last me! I was impressed with beef and pork tenderloins, fish as well. I bought the minimum size. I filled the freezer, after I bagged single servings. I am good for a month or two. And the cost from Costco makes my meals under $10 a piece. If I do this often enough, I may cover the membership cost! Buying incentive - it seems like a good business strategy to me.

I didn’t see a lot of organic signs, but they will get there. They are too smart merchandisers to not be there when the world realizes that what we put in our bodies needs to be nutritious, not just added sugar grams.

Blue Falls Up close

My 2024

I found 2024 to pass fast. When I look back, I wonder how I fit it all in - Six trips to Minnesota to BE with family, friends, former clients and associates - A month in the Sacred Valley, Peru, with Bridget - A week in Palm Springs with family - A few shorts trips with my new love, Miss Mary Lou - Time with new friends at All Souls Interfaith Gathering, and Northern Exposure Photo Group - Self-publishing five photo books, and capturing a record number of favorite images. (See MESipe.com/MyFavoritesof2024). And, of course, my joy with connecting with my nuclear family: Bridget, Michael, Jessica, Avi, Emmett and Olive.

The most noteworthy mention about 2024, is my personal growth in my pursuit to know the significance of LOVE in my life. This is a wonderful time of my life, recognizing and reflecting on brother Richard’s comment, “The greatest task in life is to love, everything else melts away”. I have learned and felt much LOVE during 2024, while ‘taking in’, to my pursuit of enlightenment, A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love and a dozen other inspiring input. I find myself frequently saying, “unf!@#$%^believable, when I feel an immense sense of awe, while in Nature and within myself. I am learning about Spirit, Energy, and feeling the LOVE.

There is significance in LIGHT as a symbol and as life energy. My last photos of the year were at a wonderful light show at Shelburne Museum. I most frequently look for light significance in my photos.

Blue light

tree of light


Last Christmas I bought a small Christmas tree-like decorative plant for the bathroom. Patty used to have tree-like decorations around the house. I counted seven one Christmas. I am getting into plants and flowers around - quite nice having the extra natural beauty close - indoors. Last year’s bathroom plant died in about three months, but the leaves never dropped. I actually think it is more beautiful now, dead… and, I don’t have to water. This petrified state happened to one of the twelve roses my sister Bernadette gave me when Patty died, three years ago. It stands on the self, next to Patty’s vase, along with my covid period ponytail. Weird… maybe a message, probably around forever. Signs of Eternal.
