Nurture Nature

With only a few weeks left of Winter - officially, that is, I say this is a real winter - cold and snowy. This Vermont Winter reminds me of a number of Winters in Minnesota - real winters, only for the hardy. I do like a respite from winter’s harshness, by flying South, especially as I age a bit. This year I am sticking it out. It is ok - in fact better than ok. The times in front of the fireplace this winter, are extra special. The drifts are amazingly beautiful. Every day views are heightened images thirsting to be captured.

The dramatic seasonal change mirrors my life changes. If I think of a life-time, I guess you can call this my last season to evolve - at least as I am earthbound. I am thinking more longterm now - eternal really - everlasting. I like what I’ve had. Who knows what is to come. The Present is all there is. As I use more right brain, and integrate my heart with my head, in the Present, I am realizing, and feeling, the importance of relationship; the importance of LOVE - LOVE, and All in relationship. I, All, have, common given essence - goodness, that when touched, by putting aside Ego, results in Heaven on Earth

Nurture Nature

Front Field