Independence - A Big Deal to Me
/Who likes to be told what to do or how to be? I don't. I want to learn from the wise and be free to decide what is best for me, and how I relate to those I love (ideally everyone).
July 4th Steve's House Minneapolis Hasselblad Stellar 10.4mm 2sec f3.5 ISO 200
Our Founding Fathers took huge risks for our independence. They moved forward with little strength to fight Great Britain, other than a great determination of one voice of thirteen United States to express unbelievably obvious, simple and lasting wisdom - "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."
I strive to have the same great determination as the 56 who signed the Declaration of Independence, to live my life by celebrating my freedom, and pursuing my happiness by realizing all I can be, connecting to all I desire and giving as I am able, with the knowledge of the rewards therefrom.
In my blog, Priorities Are Always Present June 20th, 2015, I describe my present struggle with the push-pull of living in Vermont versus Minnesota; it's a personal, family, maybe health issue that involves compromise and the need to consider balance with conflicting priorities. Like a lot of high priority issues, it is a struggle to decide which love priority overrides another; will the final decision dilute the love priorities and create resentment, or will it enhance the love priorities, breding more love? I'll let you know how it works out for me.
We will live in both Vermont and Minnesota, spreading our money and time resources a little thinner. I am excited about being involved with creating a natural light photo studio with separate nuclear family living units in Vermont, which will be designed to have more with less, and being close to family of origin, friends and familiar surroundings in Minnesota. The Senior apartments in Minnesota are out for now: we will look for a comfortable apartment in the Highland Park area of St. Paul, near Carondelet Village Senior Living Community, where we keep our options open being about 100 on the 5-8 year waiting list. There are a lot of moving parts to this decision, so I expect a twist and a turn as we move forward... with great determination.