/I hate change. I love change. Which is it? It depends.....on my mood at the moment! Maybe it is about attitude, and with a little help, I can decide on the attitude I have. I know this to be true.
Thunderbirds 2 Canon EOS 1DS Mark III 400mm 1/1600 sec f16 ISO 400
On August 14th I had my first, post-stroke, photo outing, assisted by my sister Elizabeth. It was an air-show over Lake Champlain. The clouds were great. The Thunderbirds were impressive. I scared everyone around me, including myself, when my excitement got the best of me as the Thunderbirds flew directly over head, and I wobbled crazily when I stood without aid and panned the camera, with a 400mm lens attached, trying to catch the expert flyers with a great back-drop. I could have sat in my "stroller" and watched the show, but I loved the moment by "going for it", instead of being perfectly safe, as some of my OT's would have suggested. Elizabeth was great, allowing me to risk a fall to capture an image I could get excited about. She did keep me clear of the nearby rocks and water though, and I know she had a sigh of relief when the show was over. She said more than once, while here to help over the last two months, "not on my watch" - an obvious statement of responsibility for my well-being.
In the last few years I lost my planning position, moved twice, had a stroke and Patty's presence is passing. Expressed differently - I received a nice severance from a good acquirer of my practice, with a great four year employee contract. I had time to write of book of appreciation to clients, about thoughts over a long career, dedicating the book to my great life-time advocate - Patty. I have more time for family and fine-art photography in my new wonderful New England surroundings. I can now love each moment I have with Patty with what is, while I recover completely from a short-term inconvenient stroke!
I choose the love priorities - self-realizing, connecting and giving - to the extent I am given the ability to do so. Life is good!