MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY NEW YEAR - Symbolism in Proximity

It is appropriate that Christmas and New year celebrations are so close together - we stop our busy lives, to celebrate the birth of LOVE and start anew, given the possibility of a fresh mindset - to 'love where there is hate'.

I love the words of Francis of Assisi - the Simple Pray - they inspire this simple, but logical, mind. I must learn more about Francis.

"It is in Giving that we Receive". I meditate on the prayer's simple concept, especially during this dual purpose pause. 

On point, at this Holy time, I also meditate about the Jesuit phrase - ALL IS GIFT -  introduced to me by (and lived by) Jim Tures (012345 - 120797) - all I receive and all that I am able to give is divine derived - realization of which, paves the way to my life's purpose - success - The realization of my unique good.  

All my 'revelations' about the power and process of SCG - the Love Priorities, that came to me at the start of this millennium, were made possible by being quiet and listening to the words of Francis and Jesuit Jim. I am grateful. I am open to my Inner Wisdom, from which comes good. I believe.

Christmas and New Year Contemplation

Love and Nature

Splendor in nature is wonder forthcoming. Follow the flow, portage our passions. Open to love, and Love will be with us - certain as springtime streams snow covered mountains.

Stowe Stream, PhaseOne IQ 180 35mm 1/10th sec. f11 ISO 35

We are Nature's gifted souls. Hear Inner Wisdom - Love abounds. All is precious and pristine - reflect - respect and protect. We are bestowed free will to realize our unique good.

Merry Blue and White Christmas... and Happy New Year

from Vermont

May Love be with You

Ryle, Jessica+, Emmett, Mike, Patty Spruce, Bridget, Avi, Michael