Turn to the Light
/Congratulations Bridget for completing the Integrated Health Studies Masters from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). The resulting Coaching and Wellness Management certifications enhance other education you obtained from Duke University and the Coaches Training Institute (CTI).
Bridget Masters Integrated Health Studies CIIS
My belief though, is that your greatest understanding of wellness issues has come from your personal passion for understanding cause and affect of human conditions - you've lived darkness, felt deeply, researched and learned much. You have a great deal to offer the world - trust yourself and serve with passion. Turn to the Light; It is bright, blinding sometimes. but with love of self and love of others, will present your doors and/or windows, to pass through, to serve and have happiness.
I may be corny, and crazy, to have tattooed my back with a Keltic butterfly in remembrance of the concept.....but, I do believe that Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you chase it the more it alludes you, but Love and it comes and rests gently on your shoulder!
I am proud of you and want to yell it out and share it with my world. I am thinking of you today, as I affirm my mantra, which you sprung the seed for (now on my 69th version) with a Christmas present from you, more than a quarter century ago - A framed calligraphy with the words- "Love the moment and the energy will spread beyond all boundaries". Little did I know at the time, that those few words would expand to 100 and have such a positive impact on my life. Thank you.
You have your own Mantra. I would love to provide a seed or two for you, as you have done for me......after all, those types of things are suppose to go from parents to children, not children to parents. The part of my mantra that comes to mind to share here is ....Contribute your uniqueness. Accept the uniqueness in yourself, as well as that of others, without judgement, with respect, patience and a sense of humor. I love you.
I know this blog is personal and maybe should be presented that way, but this is The Love Priorities Blog - My view of SCG ....and what a good example to share!