Advocating is easier said than done, for me!
/I still answer the phone sometimes with - This is Mike, how can I help you? I ask Patty - What do you want? Where do you want to go? What can I do for you? She says - nothing, no where. You would think after 50 years I would know the answers to these questions. And, often I do, but still, I ask - What can I do for you?
I am not naturally an advocate. I profess in ADVOCATE PLANNING - your advocate knows your history, dreams, values, passions and plans, maybe even better than you do. I even have fifty foundation questions to stir discussions. Yet, I serve as a broker - How can I order up what you want?
Nothing wrong with a broker - finding what people wanted served me well in my career. Now I recognize there is a higher level of serving - planning - advocating - loving.
Cold Winter Day Hasselblad Stellar 10.4mm 1/2000 sec f1.8 ISO 80