A Heavenly Gathering Place
/I am exhibiting eleven, mostly large, images at All Souls Interfaith Gathering (ASIG), It is a wonderful venue on the banks of Lake Champlain, with beautiful views of the Adirondack mountains.. I am very grateful to have this opportunity. Moreover, I am grateful to be introduced to the Vision of ASIG….” We envision a just, peaceful, and loving world, respectful of differences and united by common humanity, in which people live purposeful lives in harmony with one another, other creatures, and the Earth itself.” - I love it!
Nature and the spirit therewith is an integral part of all happenings at ASIG. I share their reverence for nature - particularly water. ASIG is the major sponsor, along with the ECHO center on Burlington Bay, of the Vermont Clean Water Network - which was my fortune of introduction to many water caring organizations.
The exhibition is a representation of images in OUR BASIN OF RELATIONS, The Art and Science of Living with Water. ASIG is helping us raise money to publish the book and spreading inspiration for clean water.
My exhibit experience with ASIG is resulting in a new path for me - one of much meaning. I attended three successive Sunday services at ASIG with a featured presentation on GRATITUDE by Rev. Don Chatfield. The talks were popular podcast worthy - not in play, though, which is unfortunate, because all should hear! I had an exceptional day following the last talk, where I experienced an exhilaration with gratitude of all I saw, touched, heard. I can’t explain it, but it is a feeling I would like often.
I sometimes practice what I learned from POM (Psychology of Mind} - Notice the feeling and do nothing. I am awed by our natural ability to rising to a a more desirable feeling by just noticing what’s going on inside.
I talked to a Board member about “joining” ASIG at the Potluck, following the third GRATITUDE service. He said we don’t have members. I thought that strange, at the time I heard it. After some contemplation, I concluded, how wonderful - no we/they, us/them - a non-dualistic approach of all welcome and part of our practice - some events will turn on and some will not, but all is good. - Being open to differences are Learning experiences. Come or not, you are welcome, whenever.