/Since I began to focus more on my photography, upon retirement from life-wealth planning in 2013, I express my desire, passion, as capturing my ‘image of a life time’ - one that can be printed BIG, displayed on walls, and hold the attention of on-lookers. I am happy to announce I have reached a point of possibility.
The Studio, with Epson 44” p9000 printer is in place. I have now printed my first, BIG, canvas print - ready for exhibit, as part of the September 2019 book release - OUR BASIN OF RELATIONS, the art and science of living with water.
Red Sail Yellow Marker
I can’t say I have captured, printed and displayed, my image of a life time - how can I - I am active - shooting, image reflecting, and playing with new processing ideas - I hope I will forever, but know I won’t be. When I can no longer capture and display beauty, a lovely time will be over, and I will choose my image of a life time, and hopefully connect with you. In the meantime, visit me at or in person, at the Studio Farm.