CFP Board Emeritus
/I retired practicing as a CFP, March 31st, 2013 - hard to believe it’s been six years. About the time I feel really, ‘out of it’, as a planner, the financial planning industry contacts me about being a founding member of their recently trademarked, CFP Board Emeritus program. This is a great idea - maintaining contact with good-standing, retired CFP’s who have practiced as a CFP for twenty five years or longer. They have rules and fees - it is good though - I can’t practice as a CFP - not having maintained my CPE - and I haven’t. They provide volunteer opportunities and welcome industry promotion, while keeping you informed about changes in the industry.
Their invitation prompts me to reread ADVOCATE PLANNING; To Do What You Love To Do, to see how well I promote CFPs. I do a good job of promoting CFPs - the industry would be proud of me. More importantly, I surprise myself with the staying power of the wisdom of my observations and ideas - A focus on prioritizing passion activities is the future of planning. I feel bad I am not able to practice what I preach - I don’t advocate plan for others, any longer. I do however advocate plan for myself. After using the process for a number of years I know it is good.
This blog is a reflection of me living my Love Priorities. I am much better prioritizing my passion priorities doing the process I profess - I am delighted.
I invite you to reread the first and last chapter of ADVOCATE PLANNING - it is a free download on my website or I know… it is tongue in cheek to think you read the book - read the first and last chapters anyway - it is a quick read… and if you want more details you will read the chapters in between.
I focus on my, now, SCG priorities - family and fine-art photography are the lion’s share. Even though I am willingly medical homebound, 2019 includes an active involvement in a CARERS group, learning more about photography, and image making, photo and print making workshops, finishing up two books - Smell the Roses and Our Basin of Relations, involvement with growing CBD - the family farm venture - and whatever else turns me on - no time to feel sorry for myself - engulfed in my love priorities. Thank God for my family and a little advocate planning.