Walnut Woods
/I’m realistic - I know I won’t see Walnut Woods to maturity. But, it stretches my imagination, visualization and desire to plant a seed for future generation’s enjoyment - I love it - the miracle of living, growing, nature.
I see 100+ beautiful, big, nut bearing trees, mostly in the north east corner of Purple Lark Farm - Seventeen acres of precious land, not wasted on us.
Walnut Woods Sony RX 100VI 9mm 1/500 f5 ISO 125
I guess I planted more than a seed - I’m anxious to see the walnuts - it takes eight years before bearing fruit. I planted a eight year old Honey Crisp Apple tree for the same reason … and I have tasted the fruit already - I love it. It is never too late to visualize a fruitful future. Like our 11 month old granddaughter, Olive - growth is so visible, and exciting to watch, at the start.
Plant a tree, while you can - it may out-live you, but just image.