9 Activities of Daily Loving - pretty much gone

Alzheimer’s steals the recent past , then all past becomes questionable. There is no future, only the present, and that with a fair amount of confusion. I now realize that my mantra of Love in the moment has little meaning without a connection to the past and hope to the future.

The barely recognizable figures at water’s edge on Popham Beach, Maine, a foggy morning in June, reminds me of how it might be to have no past - nothing behind, while at water’s edge, thinking about the tide’s rise -overwhelming - as it will evidently be, not too long beyond the present.

Popham Beach PhaseOne IQ 180 80mm 1/50 sec f14 ISO 35

Eating, Bathing, Dressing, Toileting, Transferring, and maintaining Continence are well know activities of daily living - all eventually taken over by Alzheimer’s. Maybe first to go…. and equally, or more importantly, are the loss of all 9 activities of daily loving - Learning, Serving, Mentoring, Exploring, Relating, Playing, Protecting, contributing, and Transferring!