Don't Ask. Don't Tell.
/Congratulations Joe - I knew you could do it.
I am beginning to understand my mother’s position - Don’t say who you voted for, or ask others who they voted for - It’s their private business - that way you don’t get sideway looks, or requests for reparation.
For me, I’ve grown to Independence - I mean I am an Independent. This feeling has become stronger in recent years. Although, I have long struggled with the idea that any ‘Party member’ could possibly be in agreement with the full party’s platform. For me, it comes down to who lines up best with my present priorities.
I decided to limit (try to) my discussions with others to policies and not personalities. Unfortunately, I have not been very successful in finding many friends and family to discuss in detail their positions on various possible public policies. I take personal responsibility for this - I really haven’t tried that hard. It’s unfortunate, because it is always nice to hone my fifth agreement with myself - listen to others to understand separate realities.
Here is a list of my present public positions, in no particular order. Guess which Presidential candidate I voted for - I won’t tell though.
I BELIEVE IN: Clean Water, Clean Air, Pro-life, no walls, legal immigration, path to citizenship, strong military for defense only ( kind of a pacifist myself), law and order, deficit reduction with strong GDP (say 4%), strong incentive to private sector for self-realization and the public good, low taxes, capital gains incentive, investment incentives, small government - with strong (and maybe only) mandate for protecting public, all nature’s lives matter, truth and consequences, integrity. And more, but I don’t want to bore you. Well, that feels good, I got it off my chest.
I also feel good about my newest canvas Moon Over Rock Duder, even though, truth be told, I did a little photoshopping that you may notice if you remember my post of June 8th, of the same image, not photoshopped.
Moon Over Rock Duder