/Christmas again - last Christmas seems like yesterday - time is moving so fast for me. Alzheimer’s has slowed life down. So why is time moving so fast? Is it because the shades go up at about 10am and down again about 3pm, the fact we are moving toward breaking our record of 14 hours of bed time, in a single night, or that time left with Patty is short?
Embrace, capture by Avi Sipe in November 2018
The image above, Embrace, captured two years ago, by my talented, award winning photographer granddaughter, Avi, is special to me - a telling tale, a rare capture of our love presence. Avi was smart to play some memorable music while doing a class photo assignment in our Bilder Studio. To me, I will always remember - Patty’s love presence.
My astute brother Richard, said upon his 80th milestone birthday: “The largest task of life is to love. And love is the only thing that lasts; everything else melts away… Age does have its compensations and perspective is one grace. Integrate or despair are the only real choices.”
Alzheimer’s accelerates aging - so many years in so few, albeit, a prolonging hardship. The grace is, a rewarding perspective on what’s important - the presence of love. I focus more and more as I age (faster than I would like) on prioritizing my love, my passions…. SCG… Self-realizing, Connecting, Giving. Thank you Patty for showing me the way with your love presence - what a wonderful life present - listening, caring, advocating - for me, others. It is of your love presence that you will receive Love!
Merry Christmas all, and love to you and yours.