'Giving' is Misnomer
/Giving connotes cost - forfeiting something of value -. money, time, property, - without return. The word giving is a misnomer. Ignored, when we hear the word give, is the value received with the act of giving - often, a value exponentially greater than the value relinquished.
The act of giving is better described by saying, an act of loving!. The word LOVE, and the activity of LOVING is well received by all… I wonder why the word is not used more - loving - more done.
The ‘Love Priorities’ could just as well be called the ‘Giving Priorities’ - the nine Love Priority activities - learning, serving, mentoring, exploring, relating, playing, protecting, contributing and transferring, all are, really, giving activities. Giving is loving - giving results in happiness, fulfillment, purpose. I love it.
Nature Nurtured
I look out our bedroom window and see the old wheelbarrow accumulate snow, white blanketing black dirt pile. I see an image I wish to capture. I pick a zero degree day to catch the fresh snow, dancing with sun and shadow, accenting the nicely weathered assist.
I think how little I give, to grow one hundred huge, beautiful, black walnut trees, that will adorn the field with precious wood and fruit. Nature does the heavy lifting. Nature gives an exponentially greater value back for my little relinquishment. I love it.
Happy Valentine’s day. SCG.