/Social distancing is good, now especially, but even in the long run… except when you need a hug. I suspect we will be more discreet with our hugs. More meaningful, maybe. I hope they are not gone forever - the feel of love so important.
Love is now being demonstrated in distant ways. It is nice to see, talk about, talk with, hear stories of love, even in the press. Maybe this is all about bringing a focus on our common human condition, and the need to care for all - “we are all in this together” - a phrase I am now hearing more frequently.
Really, we are doing a wonderful job managing the deadly virus. We are probably net positive - there have been 1,300 death (a negligible % of 360,000,000 people), in the USA, and probably more than 1,300 lives saved, by staying home and not taking any risks, doing our ‘non-essential’ lives!
If we can’t get back to work (say, some of us, by Easter!) we, non-essentials may start wondering, “What’s it all about, Alfie? What is our purpose? We are not needed anyway. We don’t have money to survive. This is no fun. And, … then we have another death risk.
I hear transmission of Big 19, mostly happens by touching our face. I Challenge You to not touch your face. I suggest you count the number of times you touch your face, each day, record, and get to, and stay at zero, in the shortest time possible. Starting now.
Touching Face