Idyllic Time
/According to Abenaki mythology, Lake Champlain was created by the great being, Okzihozo. So pleased with the masterpiece, he changed himself into the mighty rock Dunder, quietly enjoying his masterpiece for all eternity.
The Abenaki, and other native Americans revered nature, and probably, whomever remain, still do. They became one with nature and, I am sure, were blessed with bliss by It’s being. Much of their life of connection with natural loving healing power is unimaginable to me. To the extent they connected with nature seems something special, lost because of human nature - greed - self absorption - naivety. If we could only break the stupidity and understand that love of others, not taking anything personally, would give us peace - able to defund police, defund military.
Realistic? No. We are too human, stupid, to all love all others and love ourselves in the process..