I feel better now
/It’s been an unusual 4th of July for me - lonely, but good - no family, no lake, no fireworks (in person, that is), but an introspective, inspirational day, none the less.
I watched TV - a lot of which I do these days. I see a lot of bad stuff on TV, but the two 4th of July specials I watched brought reflection, resulting in a real good feel about the good growth, and good people, that I have been fortunate to benefit from, over my 74 years.
244 years of freedom - maybe a little less - seemingly - this century.
I dream there is no police, no military, no need for government to protect me. I wonder what the last 244 years would have been like without ‘the fight’! We would not have anything to to talk about, to see on TV. Maybe love experiences would be our discussion.
Maybe Biden was right, “there are 10% to 15% bad people”! I hope not. I know we are born good. It’s our environment, I suspect, that influences our goodness. I am grateful for my environs, and I give me credit, too, for the goodness I am….. albeit, not perfect, I know. Humans are just not able to be perfect - I’m resigned to that reality.
We’ll have to work on dealing with that ‘Bad Element’ - a mere billion people or so, world wide, at 10% to 15%. “Love is the Answer”, with a sprinkle of education. I suggest celebrating the good, in the meanwhile, and not let the “tail wag the dog” or “ throw out the baby with the bath water”.