Home, from across the street
/We moved so many times since we married in 1967, it is hard to keep track of just how many times we’ve moved. I count twenty. Our newest, the multigenerational house in Richmond, Vermont is the second home we built. However, most of the homes we owned, eleven, were modified, to some extent. I guess we like what we like. We had six homes in small St. Cloud - the last, my favorite on Riveside Drive, is one block from our first owned home on Killean Bulivard.
I hope our present home is our final home. We did commit a bit, in that we joint developed it with Michael and Jessica. We have fifteen acres, a photo studio, a green house, the establishment of Purple Lark Farm for CBD hemp products. And, I am in the process of planting 100 Black Walnut trees for future generation harvest. I would say my expectation is PLF, or Walnut Woods, or Bilder Studio, or whatever we call our present home, is permanent. If we live long enough, I expect to beat our record of owning a house for more than fourteen years.
I jokingly say, we live above the garage... because we do. However, we have everything we want and need. The space above the garage is our official accessory apartment. The large office, above a nice guest room, mud room and bathroom are part of the main home, but we get a little ‘preference’ in it’s usage!
I have really adapted well to my present home environmemt. I love the feel of being close to nature. I would not be able to experience this bit of heaven, without the involvement of Michael and Jessica, Emmett and Olive.
Patty, twenty years ago, before Avi’s birth, said she did not want to be a distant grandma. It is a delight to live so close to all three of our grandchilden. I doubt this is what was envisioned as ‘not being a distant grandma’, but, to me, it’s the best of all worlds, especially now..
After nearly four years, I conclude our decision for the multigenerational endeavor was a great idea
Home, from across the street