Color of Water

I know big water is generally blue. Technically that is because water absorbs red, orange, green and yellow, leaving blue and violet photons to reflect to our eyes. I look, though, at my images, captured mostly at low light - sunrise, sunset - and I see a rainbow of colors. I love it.

Water reciprocates, affected beautifully by what is Near, On, In, and Under it. I pour a glass of water to drink and I don’t want to see a color. I want it to be pure and translucent. In the big picture though, I love interesting skies and light, reflected beautifully on the surface of water. And, I am fascinated by particle impact from water bottoms and particles in and on water.

I started counting the colors in my image I call Color of Water, captured during the drought of 2012 on Lake Champlain, and I gave up - too many subtle shades to count. Usually my images are more monochromatic, but this unusual site captivates me - I feel something different each time I view the jumble of color - I try to make order of the chaos - I see as my imagination allows.

Dwelling a moment on the color of water recalls to me, the beautiful translucent aqua water off Cayman Islands in the Caribbean and the deep waters of Trout lake near our cabin on Lower White Fish lake, both are experienced delights in the 80’s.

Color of Water