Noble Servant
/Servant connotes indenture. But, given free-will, being a servant is noble. I am beginning to believe, at my old age, that being of service to others is purpose, and all that matters. And, the thing is, it feels good.
Being forced, required, obviates the fulfilling feel of helping. Take for example paying taxes that go to good causes, versus making contributions to your favorite charity. Or, being drafted to military service versus volunteering, Or wearing a mask because you are required, versus deciding to wear a mask because you want to protect others.
People are good. The more one is given the power to choose - free of intervention - the more they are emotionally healthy, make decisions that are for the ‘greater good’, and have that great feel of helping others. And, the fact is - it seldom works when controlling governance treat individuals as subjects, not individuals, where well-intended generalizations just don’t cut it.
It is time for a wake up call, and understand that most people are responsible, kind, and want to help. We do not need to deaden the good to control the minuscule irresponsible. The Golden Rule rules!
Wake Up Call