/Twilight Positano was captured in March of 2017. It is hard to believe it was four years ago already. The image pulls me into thoughts and feelings about Alzheimer’s. I didn’t take the picture with Alzheimer’s in mind, but since the capture, I think of nothing else when I reflect, as I view the scene.
Why do I go to Alzheimer’s with my thoughts when I reflect on Twilight Positano? The overwhelming color is purple - Alzheimer’s organization’s color.... and, a good color for the lingering loss - daunting. dark. ominous. end of day. heavy.
The prominent positioned readied float is warm hued, welcoming to a world beyond, with hope of peace and passion.
Patty is in the image, not recognizable. Family are standing by, with love and support. Others looking on to guide - research, longing for a cure, and assisting with tolerating.
We are in the tenth year now. The deterioration is incremental, but seemingly certain. No short term memory. Confusion - mislabeling a wall for a room, a shoe for a sock. Seaching for words once readily available.
But... we breakfast out every morning, listen to 50’s music, watch a movie, and walk, when we can. Soon Patty anticipating words from the 50’s will leave her singing lips. She sits through the movies, but doesn’t really follow, and of course doesn’t remember (watching repeats is not a problem for me either).
I dread the day we can’t do the daily routine. God speed.
Twilight Positano