Seventy Fifth birthday thoughts
/Seventy Five is a milestone for me - I feel an end of an era. I have never felt my future to be so uncertain. It’s okay - just what is - day to day living. Actually, it helps me live my mantra - Love in the moment.
Alzheimer’s is taking it’s toll. I’ve avoided the caregiver’s note in their file - combative - but I feel it now. The other day my three year old granddaughter showed me a fingernail imprint on her arm, and said, you need to talk to Bama, and I said, I will, and she said No, Now.
With no memory, talking to Patty was, of course, a futile exercise, but a telling experience - an experience noteworthy for my Alzheimer’s journal. I have two other ‘too physical’ episodes noted in my, now, twenty five page journal.
My adult children are now saying it is time for heavy sedation or a memory care unit - I have a call into the doctor. The memory care unit is too much for me to handle, right now, but the heavy sedative may be a good transition for all of us?
Anyway, I pause to reflect on a few things I have learned over the last 75 years!
No matter how much crap I go through, family is my highest priority.
All is Gift.
My biggest goal is love.
My best way to love is SCG - Self-realizing, Connecting and Giving.
My passions are the route to optimizing SCG
My passions give me the most satisfaction
I do what I prioritize.
The Simple Prayer is not so simple
Water is a wonder
You can teach an old dog new tricks
75th family diner
A 75th BD day sail