As a planner I encouraged clients to write Life Stories. In Advocate Planning to Do what You Love to Do, my gift book to clients, friends and family, I wrote a chapter on the significance of Histories and Life Stories. (see Life-wealth planning book on this site) As a protiree I can’t stop writing - blogs and books. I love it.

After I retired from AIS Planning in 2012, I have experienced the personal satisfaction and benefits of writing about feelings, passions and life experiences. Sometimes I glean new beneficial revelations. There is as much value in writing, as there is to future family generations. Some say, the legacy of personal stories, to future family generations, is more valuable than money… or maybe not.

My children gave me a subscription to the services of Storyworth for my seventy fifth birthday. The service makes it easy to write a life story. Their approach is effective. They send you a question, chosen by the kids, to write about, each week. They make it easy to write, edit and print. After a year they print a book for you… and posterity. Pictures can also be included!

Try the service. Tell your kids, grandkids - it’s a good present to older ones, who usually have everything they want and need.

Seventy fifth family sail