2022 Clearing Skies
/I am grateful for all the miraculous blessings bestowed on me during 2022. Clouds, fog, threatening skies were my notice from 4:44pm, 1/22/22, Patty’s passing. Now, feeling isolated, without Patty, but for family - my life support. I can do this. Patty’s in a better place, free of Alzheimer's. I am free to be what’s to be. Be mindful in the moment and it will be revealed.
I swear Patty was instrumental in introducing me to an angel of death, hospice chaplain, and much more. It was at All Souls Interfaith Gathering that an angel was sitting where I am accustom. Furthermore, Reverend Kim Marie encouraged an exercise - pick a partner, look into the person’s left eye (the eye closest to the heart) and ask each other “who are you?” What a set up. The five minute exercise ended with the angel saying “I am a lover” - I pursued. It was a lovely dance - exactly what was needed then. Now, it has gone the course for transition - soulfully settling. I am grateful for the journey. The experience was instrumental in my transitioning from my existence with Patty for fifty-four and five, to something I know will be wonderful too. Patty taught me real love. Now, the opportunity is - can I grow with the love Patty taught?
My present pursuit is what I refer to as the C in SCG - connecting. My activities in Connecting, as I write about incessantly, are Exploring, Relating, and Playing. I am reaching out for loving connections to explore, relate, and play. I know there are wonderful people to connect with. I am delighted with possibilities with early encounters.
Patty was my best photo critic, and a wonderful advocate for me pursuing my photo passion. She would often tell me when she didn’t like an image, and follow with suggestions - generally to simplify. She also praised some of my images. There seemed to be more frequent praises as Alzheimer’s progressed. She had a good eye - at least I thought so, especially when the praises were forthcoming! Maybe Northern Exposure fellow photographer enthusiasts will fill the gap. Thank you Claudia for making the introduction. It is an active group of a dozen or so serious photographers. I am grateful to be part of the group.
My post Patty photo focus is in transition; maybe due to recent reflections related to Patty’s passing. My favorite project has been Water Reflections, 200 images and fifty reflections, printed in book format and on MikeSipe.com. Instead of continuing my favorite project of water refections I decided to look skyward and document Skyward Reflections. Some would say it is a slight change in that skies most often played an important role in my images. Check out the first twenty images for Skyward Reflections at MESipe.com, recent work, and see if you notice the change. My intention is to make sky the dominate center of interest, with earthly triggers - there is so much beauty to see in the sky and the results are conducive for meaningful reflection.
I am grateful for new connections - explore, relate, and play!
Merry Christmas and have a miraculously blessed New Year.