Feeling the LOVE

Christmas is a time to slow down and feel the LOVE. I was at Church Street in Burlington at the Blue hour, with a friend, to shoot the scene. I figure the story is the Spirit of the time… and I was right. Maybe I was open to it. Lights, yes, but people mostly. People in the spirit of Christmas. Giving. Loving. As I walked Church Street I could feel the vibe of loving people. The family with big smiles looking to document the moment with their iPhone. I said what wonderful smiles as I snapped the family moment. They all beamed more and were happy to have me capture the moment with my iPhone too. The soul that needed a buck seemed grateful - we talked a moment - and he was ok with me capturing his smile. My photo friend left her money in the car. She recognized the misplacement at the counter. The person in line behind her said, no problem, I’ll pay for the card. The friendly clerk at Kiss the Cook said that’s the last one, and I’ll give you 10% off since it is on display… and here’s a coupon for a discount when you come in next time. She was sincere in her serving. The people in Ri Ra’s were delightful in serving Shepherds pie and Guinness. What a wonderful time meandering Church Street with a new photo friend. A lovely time - a feeling I wish would be year round.

Christmas Loving Feel