Morning Rush
/Well I did it - I went out to shoot at sunrise. It’s my first, since Patty’s passing. (I never liked the word passing, but now it seems right. Death is so permanent. Passing is going to another place, for awhile.)
Of course, I missed the sunrise. I got to the Williston bridge. I saw the sun rising over Mansfield. I turned around. Found a spot to park, and took Morning Rush. I wanted to get the red, before the blinding white of the ninety million miles away sun.
I was a couple minutes late, especially with fumbling with my new Fugi X-T4 camera and lighter than you can imagine, new carbon fiber tripod.
I took a few images at my contemplating cove during the Golden hour, but none excites.
I contemplate about Morning Rush. I think how nice it is to not have to rush to work - to view the sunrise, to walk the shore, to sit and empty my mind.
I love it.
Morning Rush