Which Way Now
/Patty originated the question, Which Way Now? Since Alzheimer’s has taken its toll, I ask, Which Way Now? The fog is clearing. I see better who I am and the direction I intend.
I drive by the Which Way Now scene, you see below, each day on my way for a Vanilla Latte. Today I stopped, thinking how appropriate to reflect on the message - a crack in the road I’m heading down. Decisions to be made. Do I just stop and stall at the turn, or turn left or right? Do I cross the double yellow line, ignoring the tradition of straight and narrow or do I, like most Vermonters, cross over, to avoid bikers or other obstacles (ie. haters and downers) you find in your lane? The tree cries with symbolism, so many possibilities, so many reaches, branching everywhichway
I stopped today, rather than any other time during this last year, because life is clearer now for me. I know my direction (although I’ve been told I vacillate a lot - nothing is forever, you know). My family Patty and I created is very important - I want them in my life. Close by is good. The Multigenerational home we built in 2018 is perfect for me now, as it was with Patty’s Alzheimer’s. My space is too small for two active seniors, one of which I intend to be and others I intend to connect with. I want my independence and I want to lovingly connect with other happily independent people. I have, if I am lucky, ten to fifteen years left in my life, and I want to mostly play.
My siblings are wonderful. They and their families are mostly in Minnesota. I want to make that my second home and travel there as much as possible. I also have my long time friendships and former clients in Minnesota. I wish to stay connected, but I will remain a Vermonter. And, I want to stay connected, and venture to family in Italy, Peru, and England as time and money allow.
which way now?
Thank you for listening. Saying it out loud is helpful!