/Sometimes things seemingly so simple feel like big revelations to me. The other day, after attending my first meeting of A Course in miracles, at All Souls Interfaith Gathering, I realized that the tag line I used at AIS Planning - ‘Questioning, Listening, and Acting, to enrich lives’, is appropriate for me in this last stage of my life. With a little rewording, to focus on my present emphasis - LOVE - I now have a personal tag line - Questioning, Listening, and Acting, with LOVE.
The idea is not making assumptions, but asking and listening to understand. Especially relevant is to perceive the best in others and “where there is hatred, sow love, where there is injury - pardon, doubt - faith, despair - hope, darkness - light, sadness - joy. I seek not to be consoled, but to console, not to be understood as much as to understand, not to be focused on being loved, but to love.… It is in giving I receive. It is in forgiving I am forgiven” The words are from the Simple Prayer. They are not so simple for me to live, but an ideal to reach. I am expecting A Course in miracles will help me with spiritual perspective - spiritually selfish, but loving others better, as well.
All Souls staff are not leading the group. They encourage members to suggest and lead programs of spiritual growth and community union - what a refreshing approach - a special place where you feel the positive energy in the air. Below are two images with a feel for the special place. Pastors and members are down to earth people, non-judgmental, and have a special reverence for nature - my kind of place and people. I invite you to check it out. Join. Live LOVE.
ASIG Horizon
ASIG Meditation