Inspired by Minimalism
/I am walking Burlington Pine street annual Art Hop with thousands of others, looking to be inspired. I am. I meet Kelly O’Neal,, with an eye-catching display of her minimalist photo landscapes. Her images grab me, and hold me. Kelly’s tag line, ‘Through Motion, I Create Stillness’, is apropos. I love it. I love Kelly’s approach even more after I view her website. I can’t imitate Kelly. I don’t want to imitate Kelly. I move to my own way of minimalism.
Inspired by Kelly, I am moved to walk to the shore of Lake Champlain from Pine street to capture a land and sky minimal like image. The sky is too complex for me - there is so much I want to capture in what I see - what I feel. I can’t do it. After I shoot a dozen or so images, I capture one that may qualify. I call it ‘Up n Air’. I post four images from the journey that catch my attention this motivating evening. See Look under the tab ‘recent work’.
Up n Air