/My community - my people - what people - all people - I wish to feel one with all!
I reflect on the geese I photographed at Dead Creek Preserve yesterday - the eve of elections. They are flying every which direction, preparing for a united flight to more seasonable weather, for a while, not four years, maybe four months. They will come together, and make the journey - it’s predictable - it is in their nature - as is to come together is our nature.
Can there be unity in the UNITED STATES? My present skepticism says it is shaky. My optimism says it will happen - the many good people will guide the way.
I am reminded of the words of my good friend Francis: “Make me an instrument of Peace. Where there is Hatred, sow Love. Where there is Injury - Pardon. Doubt - Faith. Despair - Hope. Darkness - Light. Sadness - Joy. Grant that I don’t seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love…” LOVE is the answer. When will we all realize that? So many do. So many will. Listen for the whisper. Learn from the geese. Come together - from ego to essence!
Flying White Angels