Going with the flow - Being
/Yesterday I wrote about my recent revelation - having is not what’s important to my loving, being real is. I mean, what IS important, to me, is going with the flow of being in the moment - more specifically, serving, relating, contributing, as I allow my natural goodness to flow from my being. These are three of the nine attributes of the Self-realizing, Connecting, and Giving (SCG) principles I frequently speak and write about. Having, in the sense I’m thinking, is self absorbing. Loving what IS is seeing and being present with the real goodness of all natural beings and things.
What is interesting is that in giving and being in the present, I receive - I feel exhilaration, gratitude, joy. No past, no future, being now. It’s the ideal, for me to do now. It’s a beautiful thing for me to prioritize my passions and positively impact others. What that means for me tomorrow, I don’t know. I am just going to go with the flow, taking the lead from my Inner Wisdom.
Swimming against the current