Go with the Flow
/I emphasize living in the present. It seems all the gurus speak of living in the present. It makes sense. The past is gone. The future is nice to provide for, but the present is where it’s at. Now is all. It is so easy for me to miss something I want to be there for when I am not aware, mindful, in the present. It is joyful to be alive and aware of all the natural living wonder that is going on in front of my nose. Not that I want to hear all the shit, or be in the middle of turbulence, but if I am going to be in the present I need to go with the flow. I can’t control the uncontrollable. I can choose to participate in life in an authentic, joyful, upbeat, loving manner. I can be kind, not judging or comparing. I can be patient, listen to different realities. I can forgive when necessary. Doing the opposite of these positives is not so joyful. Why would I want to do that?
Go with the flow