Green Bay
/Rain rain go away, come back some other day. It’s different for me this summer from any previous summer I can remember - so much rain. I’ve enjoyed it though. I am walking in the rain. I am wearing my ‘Wellies’ more than ever. The grass is long with wild flowers, because it is too wet to mow, so let it grow.
I went to Shelburne Farms the other sunrise (or at least sunrise time) to shoot across the water at my favorite Adirondack range, thinking I may get a nice sky to top the wonderful mountain range, but no, just fog and rain I could see. I should have known not to expect anything certain. Life doesn't work that way. There is beauty in so much nature offers. Just enjoy what is Mike. I also enjoyed a wonderful outside breakfast, lakeside, at the Inn at Shelburne Farms.
The grass is green this August - most often it is brown. It is nice to see the green bay at the Inn at Shelburne Farms. Life doesn't get much better.
Green Bay
zonal geraniums