
It’s a wonder the twisted, roots exposed, Northern White Cedar, that you see in the image below, survives the natural rock implant along the Gooseberry river. It’s quite the site, as were other Lake Superior falls, near my guest stay in relative’s well preserved Lunde camp. The sound and spray of rushing Spring water, in near winter conditions, was exhilarating. The slippery ice laden rock paths, made the adventure all the sweeter.

I am delighted to have captured a number of sky and water images during my short stay. See, recent work.


Chaos and Rays of Light

I am now into the idea of shooting wonderful sky images over the Adirondack. The few I have, make me believe shooting the same direction can result in surprisingly different stories - ever-changing skies - Never Ending Story - great for day dreaming and reflection.

I recently reflected on the power of affirmation. I have been affirming LOVE in the MOMENT, with about 100 of my tailored words for years, and by God, it works for me. I have not been able to live the, not so simple, Simple prayer though. Believing so strongly in the power of affirmations, I decided to affirm the Simple prayer. Instead of “make me an instrument of your peace”, I say I am an instrument of your peace… Where there is hatred, I love. Where there is injury, I pardon. Where there is doubt, I believe. Where there is despair, I hope. Where there is darkness, I shed light. where there is sadness, I bring joy…. and so on.

Using affirmations for the Simple prayer hit me during a recent recitation. It was confirmed for me when I understood that A Course in Miracles suggests using affirmations in its lessons. Believing and attention to it, make it so. How powerful our INNER WISDOM and subconscious are!


Rays of light


Looking skyward is a treat. Every sky different - like every face. Unbelievable. Miraculous. What’s to come? There is beauty in subtlety. I affirm to take the time to look skyward - look for the nuances - capture an image of a lifetime!


Happy birthday to brother John, who has made the trip 80 times, and knows celebrating life! You take the cake, and eat it too.

Walnut Winter

I planted sixty black walnut trees on Purple Lark Farm. I originally intended one hundred. Each tree is expected to produce thirty bushels of walnuts. It takes about eight years before you see any walnuts. I have no idea what the family will do with 1800 bushels of walnuts. I think it will be an awakening - a boon for the squirrels. My intent was the wood in thirty or forty years as financial security for grandkids and their kids. What an idealist! They most likely won’t want to cut the trees, for environmental reasons. Or, the property, if the nut falls close to the tree, will be long sold be harvest time.

I snowshoed by some walnut trees the other day, just to take a winter look. I captured the image below, with a nice winter backdrop.

Walnut Winter


Sometimes things seemingly so simple feel like big revelations to me. The other day, after attending my first meeting of A Course in miracles, at All Souls Interfaith Gathering, I realized that the tag line I used at AIS Planning - ‘Questioning, Listening, and Acting, to enrich lives’, is appropriate for me in this last stage of my life. With a little rewording, to focus on my present emphasis - LOVE - I now have a personal tag line - Questioning, Listening, and Acting, with LOVE.

The idea is not making assumptions, but asking and listening to understand. Especially relevant is to perceive the best in others and “where there is hatred, sow love, where there is injury - pardon, doubt - faith, despair - hope, darkness - light, sadness - joy. I seek not to be consoled, but to console, not to be understood as much as to understand, not to be focused on being loved, but to love.… It is in giving I receive. It is in forgiving I am forgiven” The words are from the Simple Prayer. They are not so simple for me to live, but an ideal to reach. I am expecting A Course in miracles will help me with spiritual perspective - spiritually selfish, but loving others better, as well.

All Souls staff are not leading the group. They encourage members to suggest and lead programs of spiritual growth and community union - what a refreshing approach - a special place where you feel the positive energy in the air. Below are two images with a feel for the special place. Pastors and members are down to earth people, non-judgmental, and have a special reverence for nature - my kind of place and people. I invite you to check it out. Join. Live LOVE.

ASIG Horizon

ASIG Meditation


I learned about photography visualization from Ansel Adams writings. It’s the idea of seeing the end result, the print of an image captured, as you are forming the image at the point of capture. It is knowing how the camera will translate on film, or in today’s world, digitally. Adams created the Zone Systems defining nine tones of gray, from the darkest black with detail to the whitest white with detail. Knowing how to implement photography visualization takes practice. Camera tools, like the histogram and metering systems help considerably. Taking pictures has been simplified materially.

In a bigger picture (no pun intended) I think of visualization as what I see happening with my plans. I planned to go to Plum Island, Massachusetts, at the Atlantic ocean, to shoot eagles and owls, with experienced bird photographers, Gary Reed ( and Pam Sullivan ( My iPhone indicated rain. Rain was not an issue, and it was too warm, for eagles and owls to want to fly to the spot we planned to capture them. The saying “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans”, comes to mind!

Gary, who really knows how to photograph birds, managed to see and capture many bird species. I was mesmerized by the defused sun and sun reflections on the beach. Feeling comfortable to ‘go with the flow’ has made my life so much more gratifying than if I fixate on my plans. Beauty surprises me, every which way. Pam was delighted by seeing and capturing a curious coyote. Believing in beauty is seeing your beauty. Plum Island was a great journey, and not as I originally visualized.



What do you see when your eyes are closed? What do you think about when nothing is on your mind? Oxymorons? - Can you see nothing? Have no thoughts? Reflect. See. Watch. listen.

I started meditating at All Souls Interfaith Gathering a couple months ago. There are about forty people in a room with a view - a seemingly 180 degree view of Meach Cove of Lake Champlain and the Adirondack - the setting is as peace inspiring as any I’ve experienced in my three quarters of a century.

What I find interesting is my desire to share with the group after the quiet time. And, spending an hour in the car - twice - on Sunday to be present for meditation at 9am and Don’s monthly theme homilies at Spirit and Music service at 5pm. Is this what people mean when they talk about feeling the energy? I am energized by All Souls Interfaith gathering… and a bit surprised. I believe it’s the total package that moves me - the people, the welcome - wherever you are on your journey, the natural setting, the building design reverence to the natural setting, and the Mission to cultivate inner peace and inspire connection with Devine Source.

The image below, I call reflect, is on Meach Cove property, walking on permitted by it’s altruistic owners and adjacent to All Souls. It just speaks reflection.


Treasure in the Garbage

I am about to junk the unused half of the image, Ordinary and Extraordinary, that I re-did yesterday (See Re-do and Ordinary and Extraordinary blogs) and, before doing so, I look a little closer, and conclude I like, The Throw away, even better than Re Do. What’s that all about?

It seems, the lesson for me is, one center of interest at a time. Look deeper. Reflect. Feel. Having too much in my view is distracting. I don’t see the beauty within, from the surface. I guess this idea applies beyond just my photography.

In The Throw Away I see the beautiful natural contrasting cloud colors in a nice abstract design. I see the accenting thin white cloud, nicely positioned. The thin line light cloud points to me, the black cloud, freely flying across the sky, sucking up all there is to be. I see the nice, almost rainbow like cloud, shining downward over a majestic Adirondack.

It’s still not simple enough for me. As I write I am deciding to eliminate the lake and foreground trees. Oh, now it feels right - a keeper for my Skyward project. Thanks for listening me through to the end.

The Throw away

Re Do

I often re-do images after reflecting on them - maybe a better description is refine, or improve. ‘Less is more’ - I find that this is especially true with the All Souls vantage point image I posted yesterday. Simplify, focus. Dewitt Jone’s statement '“What’s the story. Did I get the shot” comes to mind. I feel much better with the re-do of the image!

The life message, for me, that comes to mind is: It’s okay to fail. What’s important is how I deal with it. Do I learn from my mistake, move forward with my pursuits, passions, and improve, as the imperfect human being I am?

Ordinary and Extraordinary ASIG

There are ordinarily extraordinary views from the sanctuary at All Souls Interfaith Gathering. The panoramic includes my favorite Adirondack Mountain range, Lake Champlain and often awesome skies above - it’s befitting - a place where there is love in the air and a welcome to all. I have been a member for a year and I have never heard a negative judgement of anybody or anything - how delightful.

ASIG sanctuary view

Skyward Projection

My blog email notices are now back on track, which, if you aren’t using social media is the only way I communicate my blog releases. The November glitch backed up seventeen emails all of which were delivered by MailChimp yesterday. Sorry about the pile up. I found the image and reflection chronology interesting to recall my recent past.

Due to the email problem, I did not blog much in January and February. I have been busy though, with my new project, inspired by Patty’s passing - I call it Skyward, a focus change for me from water, upward to the sky. Emerson says, in Nature, the most astonishing view of nature is seen where the sky meets earth - the horizon.

I have reviewed my catalog of images, altered a number, changing the center of interest to the sky, and find myself with 200 images to reflect on for Skyward. I am surprised how the sky has played such an important role in my imaging in the past. I am delighted with my new focus and look forward to reflecting while imaging skyward. You can view my progress at under the tab Skyward.

Mountain Cover

Birding with Tom Myles in Florida

What a treat - birding with Tom Myles, while visiting brother John and new bride, Eileen, in Florida. It was a highlight of my stay. Tom is a brother of Eileen, newly retired, and birding daily. He is clearly passionate and an expert on birds of Florida.

I enjoy walking and looking skyward. What a beautiful way to do so, especially with a respite from colder weather in Vermont.

John, Eileen, tom, Me

Crested caracara

Which Way Now

Patty originated the question, Which Way Now? Since Alzheimer’s has taken its toll, I ask, Which Way Now? The fog is clearing. I see better who I am and the direction I intend.

I drive by the Which Way Now scene, you see below, each day on my way for a Vanilla Latte. Today I stopped, thinking how appropriate to reflect on the message - a crack in the road I’m heading down. Decisions to be made. Do I just stop and stall at the turn, or turn left or right? Do I cross the double yellow line, ignoring the tradition of straight and narrow or do I, like most Vermonters, cross over, to avoid bikers or other obstacles (ie. haters and downers) you find in your lane? The tree cries with symbolism, so many possibilities, so many reaches, branching everywhichway

I stopped today, rather than any other time during this last year, because life is clearer now for me. I know my direction (although I’ve been told I vacillate a lot - nothing is forever, you know). My family Patty and I created is very important - I want them in my life. Close by is good. The Multigenerational home we built in 2018 is perfect for me now, as it was with Patty’s Alzheimer’s. My space is too small for two active seniors, one of which I intend to be and others I intend to connect with. I want my independence and I want to lovingly connect with other happily independent people. I have, if I am lucky, ten to fifteen years left in my life, and I want to mostly play.

My siblings are wonderful. They and their families are mostly in Minnesota. I want to make that my second home and travel there as much as possible. I also have my long time friendships and former clients in Minnesota. I wish to stay connected, but I will remain a Vermonter. And, I want to stay connected, and venture to family in Italy, Peru, and England as time and money allow.

which way now?

Thank you for listening. Saying it out loud is helpful!

Outdoor Light Museum

The outdoor light display at Shelburne Museum is a piece of art. I hesitated to pay for ‘seasonal lights’ that I can see from the street. It’s a great attraction. It made a big difference to walk the mile or so of paths and be in the zone - it’s like a twilight zone. Well done. I’ll put ten or so images at recent work tab for you to get the feel. Don’t miss, connect - share the experience.

Ticonderoga afloat again

Twilight Zone

Feeling the LOVE

Christmas is a time to slow down and feel the LOVE. I was at Church Street in Burlington at the Blue hour, with a friend, to shoot the scene. I figure the story is the Spirit of the time… and I was right. Maybe I was open to it. Lights, yes, but people mostly. People in the spirit of Christmas. Giving. Loving. As I walked Church Street I could feel the vibe of loving people. The family with big smiles looking to document the moment with their iPhone. I said what wonderful smiles as I snapped the family moment. They all beamed more and were happy to have me capture the moment with my iPhone too. The soul that needed a buck seemed grateful - we talked a moment - and he was ok with me capturing his smile. My photo friend left her money in the car. She recognized the misplacement at the counter. The person in line behind her said, no problem, I’ll pay for the card. The friendly clerk at Kiss the Cook said that’s the last one, and I’ll give you 10% off since it is on display… and here’s a coupon for a discount when you come in next time. She was sincere in her serving. The people in Ri Ra’s were delightful in serving Shepherds pie and Guinness. What a wonderful time meandering Church Street with a new photo friend. A lovely time - a feeling I wish would be year round.

Christmas Loving Feel

2022 Clearing Skies

I am grateful for all the miraculous blessings bestowed on me during 2022. Clouds, fog, threatening skies were my notice from 4:44pm, 1/22/22, Patty’s passing. Now, feeling isolated, without Patty, but for family - my life support. I can do this. Patty’s in a better place, free of Alzheimer's. I am free to be what’s to be. Be mindful in the moment and it will be revealed.

I swear Patty was instrumental in introducing me to an angel of death, hospice chaplain, and much more. It was at All Souls Interfaith Gathering that an angel was sitting where I am accustom. Furthermore, Reverend Kim Marie encouraged an exercise - pick a partner, look into the person’s left eye (the eye closest to the heart) and ask each other “who are you?” What a set up. The five minute exercise ended with the angel saying “I am a lover” - I pursued. It was a lovely dance - exactly what was needed then. Now, it has gone the course for transition - soulfully settling. I am grateful for the journey. The experience was instrumental in my transitioning from my existence with Patty for fifty-four and five, to something I know will be wonderful too. Patty taught me real love. Now, the opportunity is - can I grow with the love Patty taught?

My present pursuit is what I refer to as the C in SCG - connecting. My activities in Connecting, as I write about incessantly, are Exploring, Relating, and Playing. I am reaching out for loving connections to explore, relate, and play. I know there are wonderful people to connect with. I am delighted with possibilities with early encounters.

Patty was my best photo critic, and a wonderful advocate for me pursuing my photo passion. She would often tell me when she didn’t like an image, and follow with suggestions - generally to simplify. She also praised some of my images. There seemed to be more frequent praises as Alzheimer’s progressed. She had a good eye - at least I thought so, especially when the praises were forthcoming! Maybe Northern Exposure fellow photographer enthusiasts will fill the gap. Thank you Claudia for making the introduction. It is an active group of a dozen or so serious photographers. I am grateful to be part of the group.

My post Patty photo focus is in transition; maybe due to recent reflections related to Patty’s passing. My favorite project has been Water Reflections, 200 images and fifty reflections, printed in book format and on Instead of continuing my favorite project of water refections I decided to look skyward and document Skyward Reflections. Some would say it is a slight change in that skies most often played an important role in my images. Check out the first twenty images for Skyward Reflections at, recent work, and see if you notice the change. My intention is to make sky the dominate center of interest, with earthly triggers - there is so much beauty to see in the sky and the results are conducive for meaningful reflection.


I am grateful for new connections - explore, relate, and play!

Merry Christmas and have a miraculously blessed New Year.

Thoreau's Walking

What draws me to emulate the wisdom of the words of Thoreau’s Walking, so much that I have listened to its elegance a half dozen times, and want more? Is it age - no planning business to occupy the bulk of time? Now there is time to pursue my photography passion of capturing the simple beauty of natural environs. Is it the realization that slowing down to the speed of life - sauntering to see and appreciate all of nature’s abundance, is exhilarating, and a metaphor for a reasonable perspective on living life outside of the woods? Is it time, alone in the wild, to awaken to my present being? Is it my body saying, it feels good to move around in my habitat? I suspect yes, to all my questions, and there are more positive motives for walking in the woods.

I walk, not just southwest, like Thoreau justifies, but east toward the rising sun, as well as west to it’s setting. I have dreamed about having a year where I am present for all sunrises and sunsets. It is such a joy to take in the beauty affect of morning and evening changing light. There is beauty in sunless scapes as well. Believing is seeing - be aware and realize. I am grateful to experience a little of what Thoreau speaks of, in Walking.

My old Marlboro Road is just out my door, up a 4% grade for about a mile. It leads to a, seldom used, big stone house. It’s a nice saunter, with the reward of seeing Mount Mansfield and Camels Hump to the east. Half way up is a trail head to the south and west - Thoreau would like that. He would also relate to my being lost in those woods. My grandson, Emmett gave me a compass for the next time I find myself lost in the woods.

Winter’s coming - fear not. You’ve heard of winter wonderland - the moniker for a reason. The monochrome views can be spectacular. The temperature overcome with a bombardier jacket or an Ibex wool. And the reason for walking (snowshoeing) the woods are as powerful as with warmer weather. The quiet of winter is deafening.

Seeing the light

White weight of winter