
After writing some reflections, I will self-publish SKYWARD, a photo project I have been working on for awhile. I expect it to be my finest work - of course, the latest work is always the finest work! When I finish a photo project, I feel good and sad, at the same time.

I feel better now, that I have another project in mind - ABSTRACTION. I am not sure what will come to mind, but my reticular activator is up in nature, for minimalism, abstract, emotion provoking. Below is Dip, an image that qualifies. So does UNION, that I have the impulse to view and emote often.



The Gift of Light

When I recognize The Gift of Light I feel grateful. Sometimes this happens when I am processing and reflecting on an image captured, like the one below, Totality Blue.

I decided to use Totality Blue as my end image in my personal photo project, Skyward. I started Skyward, after Patty’s Passing, 1/25/2022. I have over 300 images that are book worthy. Since I am limited to 250 pages with Blurb, I will have to cull out a number, due to the limitation, and wanting room for personal reflections.

The reflections are partly done, but I look forward to the additional reflecting because it is meaningful and fulfilling, for me, to take the quiet time with viewing skyward. I am a little afraid to finish the project - then what? Photo projects are me. I guess the end of the project does not preclude me, nor do I want it to, from continuing to look skyward and reflect on LIGHT.

Totality Blue

Another First

I have never done it before - that is, have 100 images in recent work at MESipe.com. I reserve that space for images I have recently taken that I love. The eclipse, The Sacred Valley, and Palm Springs, were back to back events for me, with beauty opportunities that were unbelievable. I am so grateful to have had such wonderfully magical nature capturing experiences. Peru consists of 85 of the 100 images. I was there a month and took over 4000 images. I don’t take an image unless it attracts me - that is how attractive The Sacred Valley was to my photo eye.

I will be delighted if you see the images at MESipe.com at the tab recent work.

The Sacred Valley light and color


Painting with Light

Eyes have amazing ability to capture light, colors, tones. Imagination is unlimited with creativity. What fun to interpret what is, and make something that brings you to exciting the senses about the memory.

Camera lenes are pretty powerful. I didn’t notice the reds, blues and flares of the eclipse until I viewed the more than two hundred images I took during the few moments of happening.

I wasn’t much interested in the eclipse, until I thought about it. Amazing, nature is! Wake up Mike.

Painting with Light

Sun Burst

Once In My Lifetime

I didn’t think much about it; the total eclipse viewing in Vermont yesterday. I thought, darkness for a few minutes, and a dark ball blocking the sun - big deal, not very aesthetic. But I heard the hype. I heard my fellow photo club enthusiasts. I thought this is a once in a lifetime event for me. I have to see it. I want to view and be with fellow photographers. I was delighted I participated. Come to think of it - today is once in a lifetime. And, extraordinary things are happening in my present. I wish to be there!

Eclipse composite


I take to the sky today - Peru to Vermont. Before I plane, I spread a blanket, face skyward, absorb the Peru sun’s warmth, hear the hummingbirds song, smell the fragrance of the flowers, notice the beauty of cloud movement. My mind is in neutral. My spirit, energy is active. I am alive, grateful to be part, one with, all living. How do I be a good steward, contribute what I can, nurture the growth and preservation of what I am a member?

Looking Skyward

A Dance in Peru

The last month has been a dance in Peru - like the swing at times, a waltz at others, and a tango or two. Bridget has been a great host and a lesson in listening.

What strikes me boldly, in addition to connecting with Bridget, is smiling wrinkles, dancing skies, majestic mountains, flowers aplenty, and stones - stones everywhere.

Bridget Contenplating


Smiling Wringles


Rock way

Winding Road

How do you get over a mountain? Slowly - back and forth, winding curves, north, south, east, west. For some, it is stomach turning. For others it’s an adventure to memorialize a sight to behold. It’s a metaphor for life - wondering if you’ll get to the other side, enjoying the journey, or scared about what’s around the corner - unexpected light, fog, darkness, falling rocks, washed out road, reliable transport, or risk worthy awe inspiring beauty. The imagination can go on and on about troublesome possibilities, or let go of thinking about possibilities and, be open, embracing what is presented, with acceptance and wonder.


I usually apply an artful filter to my images, often to enhance the sky to my liking. With Glory I didn’t need a filter to enhance what I felt. It is amazing what is possible with the iPhone 15. I took Glory at 30 miles an hour, in the passenger seat of a car, cropped it once to get Rock Almighty and again for Glory.

What is most amazing is natural beauty presented to me constantly. Since I started to look Skyward, at our majestic horizons, I have been filled with awe frequently. The Andes have delighted, as a foreground for the awe inspiring skies, as has the Adirondack and Green Mountains. Can you images seeing all, Mike.


Rock almighty


We drove four hours over the 12,000 foot high pass from Urabamba, Peru to the Keyabama area to visit a few small organic Cacao farmers. Bridget and I were on a journey to do a little sourcing of quality organic cacao for MotherFolower, our family business.. Our goal is top quality organic cacao directly from a small family farm business.The pass views were absolutely spectacular. I will display a few images soon, but now I want to tell you how amazing it was to walk the high jungle farm of Mario Antonio Durand Olave and family. I felt touched to tears by nature, walking the paths, tasting the cacao, and a half dozen natural fruits of the farm. They made it clear they love the land and growing quality organic Cacao. Bridget’s great organizing of personal driver and connections made it happen Maybe it was serendipitous, as Bridget said, to hit pay dirt on our first stop. Mario’s daughter-in-law is creator of maywa products which she has had her eye on for awhile now.

Cacao pod


Cacao products

The Eagle and the Condor

A Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor speaks of two ways of being, that of the Eagle, far-seeing, rational, linear, and structured, and that of the Condor, earth-connected, intuitive, wise and receptive. At the end of the eagle cycle, about now, a chance would emerge for these two types to co-exist and cooperate, moving forward into a future that would honor both approaches to living, and bring the earth back into balance. This is a moral blueprint that, through metaphor, points to what is needed to create a future where all life is respected and held sacred. Without this marriage of world views there may be no future at all.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is one of the seven wonders of the world. It takes an effort to get there. Maybe everything worth while. does. The view and remembrance of Incas, way back when in the 1600’s is astonishing. It’s a sacred place. Our guide said take ten minutes. Get away from the crowds. Open your heart. Feel the power of the place. I tried. I was so overwhelmed by the place, I Clould only think about capturing the feel, the beauty. Future reflections will help feel the sacredness of the place.

Bringing the Outside In - NOW

I can fixate on the pains of the past. I can worry about the uncertainty of the future. But,. I long to Be with nature now. In Peru I feel the Sacred Valley is a sacred valley. Natural beauty abounds. The Peruvians live the outside in - open markets abundant with fruits, vegetables, flowers, outside restaurants, flowers on every table. Buildings of windows. The people wear bright colors and hats of their native regions. I feel filled with joy as I photograph the skies of the Andes. I find myself saying unf……believable, all the time.

Outside In

Going with the flow - Being

Yesterday I wrote about my recent revelation - having is not what’s important to my loving, being real is. I mean, what IS important, to me, is going with the flow of being in the moment - more specifically, serving, relating, contributing, as I allow my natural goodness to flow from my being. These are three of the nine attributes of the Self-realizing, Connecting, and Giving (SCG) principles I frequently speak and write about. Having, in the sense I’m thinking, is self absorbing. Loving what IS is seeing and being present with the real goodness of all natural beings and things.

What is interesting is that in giving and being in the present, I receive - I feel exhilaration, gratitude, joy. No past, no future, being now. It’s the ideal, for me to do now. It’s a beautiful thing for me to prioritize my passions and positively impact others. What that means for me tomorrow, I don’t know. I am just going to go with the flow, taking the lead from my Inner Wisdom.

Swimming against the current

Loving What IS

A few years back, I woke before Patty and was full of love, as I admired the brimming light on her profile. It was beautiful to me. I captured the moment with my iPhone. I am glad I did - the memory is lasting. The image of the moment is below. It may be morbid, or inappropriate to you, but telling to me.

Recently, Johanna, a dear friend, and class mate of Michael and Bridget, posted that Patty saved her life. Later she posted that Patty was a dear heart to all of the ‘hanging around’ class mates. Patty lived… and loved, in the moment. Past and future were of little attention for Patty. I was unaware of Johanna’s experience and probably a lot more of Patty’s loving moments. I suspect there were many.

During a recent long meditation, I realized that; life is not having what you love, nor even loving what you have. It is loving what IS. You would think that I would have picked this up from a half century of living with Patty. I guess I am a little slow. It is never too late to learn. Thank you Patty for shedding light on what’s important.