Values-Based Priorities Planning Testimonial
/Jim made my day with his comments regarding ADVOCATE PLANNING: To Do What You Love To Do.
Here is, in part, what he had to say: "You have been an inspiration to me in more ways than you could ever imagine. I have been going through a process of self-reflection on what I should do in the next phase of my life. Lucky to have survived childhood cancer, I have had a great career and raised a great family. Now I want to give back. but what do I have to give? Your book helped me realize that my true passion in my career has been creating and building. If I wasn't creating and building a new company, I was creating and building a new department or product offering for an existing company. Although my career has been in financial services, it has really been about entrepreneurship and innovation. You helped me realize that is what I have to give.
I realized that not only do I have a gift to give, but it has real purpose and meaning for me. I passionately believe that entrepreneurship is the key to socio-economic growth on the global basis. I can help!
I have accepted a position as Professor of Entrepreneurship in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Some may question my sanity but they may not realize that I have the opportunity to Learn, Mentor, Contribute, Relate, Explore, Serve and Self-Realize. I get to teach entrepreneurship in a developing country! Thank you for your inspiration.
Finally, let me share with you my mantra - Seek Joy, Find Love, Accept Serenity, and have Purpose Right Here, Right Now. This mantra helps me to remember that the present moment, if you look hard enough, presents the opportunity to feel joy by exploring, learning, playing; to feel love by connecting, sharing, giving: to feel serenity by finding balance and perspective; and to feel that sense of purpose by finding meaning and following your passion."
Thank you Jim for helping me feel purpose!