Same Image Different View
/I am exploring with looking at photography subjects differently, to capture a mood or create a feel, or maybe just an appealing look. Take a look at the images below. They are the same image with a different perspective.
Dusk One, 2.5 seconds, f11 using medium format camera
The bottom images were taken just a couple minutes after the top one, looking at the same subject, while moving the camera horizontally, back and forth rather slowly, over 2 to 4 seconds; in effect, painting with light. The first 2 images on the bottom are merely the 3rd image divided into two parts to create a look of separate and unified, which, when printed large and framed, will cover a very large space on a wall. The color on the top image is probably most like the color I saw at the time I shot the images. Although the skies and colors are changing quickly at dusk, I play with the color and warmth of the image in Lightroom and PhotoShop to be most appealing to me. These images are new to me. I will need a while of looking at them to know if they have staying power for me. We'll see if any make the list of my favorites for 2015.
Below is another image I captured this spring, while looking for a single boat in Malletts Bay, without the noise of too many boats around; in other words - the first one in the harbor for the season. Color versus Black and White and different cropping.
Early harbor, 300mm lens with medium format camera, 1/30th sec at f6.3, high key, Black and White
Early harbor, unedited
The feel, graphics and appeal of these two renditions of the same image are substantially contrasting to me. I love the black and white and am bored with the original color capture. I have to go with what I like; what appeals to me, even if no one else likes it. I guess that is integrity with my photography; capturing and rendering what I like to look at - what else can I do? It is great though to have other people like the stuff too..
A related priority planning comment I make with this blog is - each person's reality is different, and what is appealing can be easily "distorted" or "viewed" differently from one person to the next. What is appealing is based on perception of what you want to see or do or feel...and that can be quite different for you and me. This concept was presented to me, in the 80's, by Psychology of Mind professionals as Separate Realties. The Separate Realities concept is powerful for understanding where the other person or even yourself are coming from. Take for instance newly weds who do not totally understand each other's history. One spouse is used to receiving a lot of small gifts from family loved ones at Christmas and the other spouse is used to receiving very few and more expensive gifts from loved ones. Their first Christmas together they operate based on their traditions and proceed to unknowingly hurt each other's feelings. Understanding histories, dreams, values, passions, and plans are absolutely necessary to do your own planning or help someone else with their planning. Take a look at the mere 50 priority planning foundation questions in the appendix of ADVOCATE PLANNING: To Do What You Love To Do and see if you know the answers for your significant others, clients, and even yourself - just 10 questions per area. A free download is available under the book tab or on the home page.