What If There Was No Water?

Rhetorical, yes.....but just image. No, you can't - everything living depends on it! Precious - Premium - $5 a bottle, at an airport. I wouldn't be without it. I love it.

I was sad to see Johnny Brook at Fays Corner not running this fall.

Johnny Brook at Fays Corner - dry PhaseOne IQ 180 80mm 1sec f7.1 ISO 35

Johnny Brook at Fays Corner PhaseOne IQ 180 80 mm 120sec f14 ISO 35

Johnny Brook at Fays Corner PhaseOne IQ 180 80 mm 120sec f14 ISO 35

The image, without the falls, is scary - I show it here for affect only. The image has no "flow" without the falls - it's a reject, as a photograph.

Huntington River Falls 2 Drought PhaseOne IQ 180 30sec f12 ISO 35

Huntington River Falls Hasselblad Stellar10.4mm 1/20sec f4 ISO 100

Water levels, in the Champlain Basin, are low, very low. Lake Champlain hasn't been at these levels since 1941. There is such a delicate balance in nature. I remember, and treasure, my shooting of the floods in 2011 and then, unbelievably, the drought of 2012 - How can it be so drastic from one year to the next?.......and then this, in 2016. One expert commentator said, "it's not the droughts I worry about, it's the floods - since the 60's it's the high water levels that concern me". God only knows - That's for sure rain-man. We deserve to keep every bit of the gift of water we get CLEAN!