What If There Was No Water?
/Rhetorical, yes.....but just image. No, you can't - everything living depends on it! Precious - Premium - $5 a bottle, at an airport. I wouldn't be without it. I love it.
I was sad to see Johnny Brook at Fays Corner not running this fall.
Johnny Brook at Fays Corner - dry PhaseOne IQ 180 80mm 1sec f7.1 ISO 35
Johnny Brook at Fays Corner PhaseOne IQ 180 80 mm 120sec f14 ISO 35
The image, without the falls, is scary - I show it here for affect only. The image has no "flow" without the falls - it's a reject, as a photograph.
Huntington River Falls 2 Drought PhaseOne IQ 180 30sec f12 ISO 35
Huntington River Falls Hasselblad Stellar10.4mm 1/20sec f4 ISO 100
Water levels, in the Champlain Basin, are low, very low. Lake Champlain hasn't been at these levels since 1941. There is such a delicate balance in nature. I remember, and treasure, my shooting of the floods in 2011 and then, unbelievably, the drought of 2012 - How can it be so drastic from one year to the next?.......and then this, in 2016. One expert commentator said, "it's not the droughts I worry about, it's the floods - since the 60's it's the high water levels that concern me". God only knows - That's for sure rain-man. We deserve to keep every bit of the gift of water we get CLEAN!