Unruly, Enigma
/Some referred to me as the enigma, while us CPA partners at MHA & Co. were struggling with issues in the early 90's. I am proud to be called an enigma - mystery, puzzle, question, .........well, maybe not "problem". (I googled the word). Enigmas are different, unique, aren't they? That is how I interpret enigma - unique. Since the 90's, I have ran with - celebrating uniqueness. In fact, I made it centerpiece in my mantra - "Love in the Moment .... contribute my uniqueness; accept my uniqueness, as well as that of others, with respect, patience and a sense of humor".
Nurturing and planning to one's uniqueness became a major thrust of my financial planning practice, culminating in my treatise ADVOCATE PLANNING; To Do What You Love To Do (free download from this blog site www.MySCGpriorities.com.) We all should be so lucky to know, nurture, and celebrate our uniqueness!
I was keenly attracted to Sieur de Monts, at Acadia National Park, both, last year and this, while photographing in the park. I didn't really understand why, until recently, when I processed Unruly, with the help of David and Shannon, my mentors at Light and Landscape magazine members group.
Unruly PhaseOne IQ 180 120mm 1/3 sec f16 ISO 35 Topaz filter
Last year I attended a PhaseOne Photo workshop, with mostly professionals, and everyone walked though the swampy boardwalk area, without capturing an image, accept me.
Sieur de Monts Boardwalk PhaseOne IQ 180 120mm 1/6 sec f16 ISO 35
I was uniquely attracted to the area - to make sense of the unruly birch and brush. I am attracted to the birch and brush going, uniquely, every which way. Might I be personally identifying with the stubbornness to naturally "fall in line"?
My favorite image of the year may very well be Birch Berries and Brush, captured just yards away from Unruly and Boardwalk. (I presently have 15 candidates for favorites of 2016. I have little over a month to add to the list, before I post my selections. I hope you will view my choices.) I Love it!
Birch Berries and Brush PhaseOne iQ 180 1/3 sec f16 ISO 35