Daily Duty

I like to walk the wonderful paths along Lake Champlain in Burlington, especially when the weather is nice.

Today we started walking south. Patty says let’s turn around. I say let’s walk a little further to the Surf Club - I can use their facilities - we can sit awhile, and I can do my daily duty. Patty , hearing I had a need, willingly agreed.

We got to the Surf Club and the gates were locked. Oh, oh - that has never happened before. I didn’t know if I could make it back to a public bathroom... for relief.

I walked faster than Patty. I would backtrack while squeezing my cheeks. I can do this. I can do this - mind over matter - messy, stinky matter!

I checked out a couple of spots along the trail. The cover was no good. I am experienced at finding my own out door spots. I new what to do - take down my pants - do my thing - and use my underwear for wipe. I’ve made the mistake of messing my menswear - no fun - got to dump and cover.

I stopped at the railroad station - there is a big sign - NO PUBLIC RESTROOM. I stopped at the city water works (ironic) - NO PUBLIC RESTROOM. I thought - how mean they are. Don’t they know how urgent this is?

The public facilities at Perkins Pier was in sight. I’ll make it . I did - with very little damage.

NO PUBLIC RESTROOM - please. The pandemic has created more signs - NO PUBLIC RESTROOM. Public restrooms may take on new meaning - at least for me!
