See the Light

Why doesn’t everyone think the way I do? What a wonderful world it would be... or maybe not.

It took a lifetime for me to understand the power of concensus - different opinions - looking at something from all angles, and coming to a decision that all can live with. The outcome may not be the answer I want, but one I can live with.

I was involved in consensus building a number of times during my career. It was effective, albeit, time consuming. I do admit though, I like being the lone ranger - I was often called an enigma. I fought the process, but learned it was necessary to get good ‘buy in’. I think my fighting the process has a to do with my level of patience, and my desire to be in control of my own destiny.

With big decisions that can unify a group, consensus building is powerful - powerful in a good way. Maybe the consensus is a compromise, and many times the decision is better than I image.

The beauty of a good open forum, where people are free to express what they believe is - everything is ok - no thought is rejected - everyside is heard - everyone is free to express themselves.

Listening to hear separate realities is an imporatant principle for me - one of the best lessons I have learned - improving communications - relationships.

Muting, cancelling, outlawing, lying, abusing power - all are common now. It seems like it is a no-holds barred for obtaining power to control.

I think it is time to move away from a dualistic approach - a win/lose mentality - a quest, at any cost to obtain power to control.

Maybe the size of the world is part of the growing problem with dualism. About the time I was born in 1946, simplier times, there were 2.5 billion people in the world. Now there is three times that - 7.5+ billion. If just 1% are corrupted, and considering the advancement in technology, the corrupted out there maybe powerful, even at 1% - powerful in a bad way..

Maybe we should start listening to more opinions, not less, and hear the logic of our diverse neighbors.

See the Light