Blowing in the Wind

Leaves are coming down - end of a colorful season. My image Blowing in the Wind is one of my favorite Fall images. It triggers a thought of the wind and rain that is the culmination of a glorious season in Vermont. People come here, from all over the world, just to see the colors of the forest in the valleys and on the mountains. It’s spectacular

Blowing in the wind

Flying Alone

I did it three times this season. It was most satisfying. I am afraid that’s it for the season. It’s closed when it’s cold. That is - The seasonal Inn and restaurant at Shelburne Farms closes, now, for the winter. Three dawns, this season, I captured images a few feet from the Inn. I had fulfilling imaging and proceeded to the Inn for a nice breakfast, with me and my thoughts. The only way this would be more heavenly is to share the experience over breakfast with a Soulmate. Life is just not perfect Mike. Love what is!

Do you see the bird flying alone? So small, So vast. Not separate. One with.

flying alone

Cloud Light

Hand over heart

Adirondack Color


I use painterly filters on my photos, all the time. I love the affect. I usually use the filters at about 30% and erase the affect on my center of interest. It seems I increase the percentage of filter on the photos in correlation with the image’s core strength. The image below Impasto is a good example of this. I applied seventy percent of the filter affect and did not make any eraser adjustment. I call the image Impasto because that’s the name of the thick painting look.

The grasses in the foreground caught my attention. Some interest in the sky was a must. I can’t readily point to a center of interest and that is what weakens the image, in my mind.


Pointing South

It’s only a third into Fall and we’re looking South. The boats are in, shorts off, jackets on, and leaves are a falling. It’s been the fastest Summer and Fall colors ever, for me. The skies have been wonderful - cloud formations I have never seen, maybe never looked. I am going to continue to look, especially with Adirondack below - my favorite range. You would think the mountains to be static, but they seem to change daily. I don’t tire. I hope to never do.

pointing South


Paul drove us down Taft Road in Huntington, on way to Green Mountain Photo Exhibit, in Waitsfield - a nice scenic route, secret to the local old-timer. Spectacular passage. We were treated to a half dozen Turkey Vultures gliding and diving - I suspect a natural passage. Quite a site to see with the backdrop of a Vermont Fall.


Glide 2



I like the word Gap - it’s short, can be used in a multitude of ways. A break in continuity. Everywhere you turn there is a a gap - a divide - politics, communications, teeth, nature. Most gaps are man made - we do such a good job of it. You might say we do a great job in creating rifts.

I traveled the Appalachian Gap a couple time on the way to the thirty-third Green Mountain Photo Exhibit in the Mad River Valley, Waitsfield - A great exhibit. I’ll do it again next year. Don’t miss it next Fall. A great time to be on the back roads of Vermont.

I stopped at the top viewing area for a cider and view to see if I could capture a nice sky to compliment the gaps changing color. The image below, I call Gap, is what I captured.



All is alive. Two hours after I captured Kaleidoscope I captured the picture below, Transformation, which is the same Adirondack mountain range from a different angle. I like Transformation more - a bit more minimalist, impressionist. I don’t know, I just like it more.

It is remarkable that Nature is constantly changing. The ever moving skies and fleeting Fall is making a point today - notice now, because it will be different tomorrow. ‘Love the moment and the energy will spread beyond all boundaries’


LOVE Train

It’s 9am, Sunday morning. Meditation is starting at All Souls Interfaith Gathering Place. I look to the left as I walk toward the Sanctuary. The Adirondack are aflame, with accenting light on a kaleidoscope of Fall colors. Do I stop, capture an image of a life time and be late for the start of mediation? Of course, I must stop. Fleeting moments like this is the reason I carry my pocket size Sony, all the time. The monopod is back in the car. I have to decide if I go back or not. I capture the lovely scene, hand held, at 1/400th of a second. I take five images to stitch together, so I can determine the crop I desire, and to capture as much information as possible. I am excited to process the capture.

I am excited, not only because of a great image capture opportunity, but an opportunity to thank a good representative of All Soul members that will be at meditation. I share after meditation with the group, my gratitude for the ‘LOVE train’ - a multitude of ASIG members nourished, with love visits and prayers, this poor soul, while recovering from an unwanted internal bleed after a hernia surgery. The large out-pouring of love demonstrates the wisdom of my aspiration to be ‘One with LOVE’.


Emmett's World

It’s Labor Day weekend. I have the privilege of a night at the Anderson Camp on Willsboro Point on Lake Champlain. I watch the skies, because that’s what I do these days - beautiful skies - each day seems different - each day invites interpretation. I see a glimpse of Emmett’s World, as I lightly swing on the hammock, eying him paddle his kayak back and forth in front of the property. I wonder what is going through his mind. What he feels. I know he loves to paddle. It’s his world at the moment. Also, my world - looking at the big picture. Being almost seventy years his elder I am sure we see the same differently - all one with nature. I wonder. I see. I feel. I am grateful.

Emmett’s world

new awakening

The Yellow Line

ALL the back roads in Vermont are double yellow lined, meaning of course, no passing, too dangerous, can’t see oncoming traffic. This is good - beautiful scenery - slow down and enjoy nature’s beauty, especially as the foliage turns colors. Fall in Vermont has to be one of the most beautiful experiences.

The roads are narrow, bikers slow. If you followed the rules we could not pass bikers. We all should get electric bikes, I guess. This won’t happen, but a good idea. Life is moving too fast. Gotta get someplace now. Gotta pass regardless of the rules. We make our own rules when the ones we have don’t work. Oh, I can pass. I can see far enough, or move fast enough that I won’t have ongoing traffic problem.

I tense when I think about passing a biker on our backroads. I think, am I making the biker nervous by taking so much time to pass? Am I pissing off the car behind who is in a rush - no one wants to drive the speed limit - especially in 25 mile an hour zones.

Oh, it’s ok Mike. It seems to all work out. Go with the flow.

The yellow line

Painting with Light

I love using the camera to paint with Light. I do a capture and play with the elements to create what I feel is attractive. I sometimes surprise myself with delight in what I create from what I see. I don’t fully appreciate natures beauty until I look closely, process and play around in interpretation. I wish I could paint from scratch the beauty I see so often in nature. I respect those that do it well. I feel I am cheating with all the photographic tools now available, but I am getting more comfortable to just do what turns me on. I hope others enjoy too - it’s nice to get positive feed back, but if I enjoy the result, that’s all I need to keep doing the passion. Nature mixes the elements so well. I am happy to create what I see as beauty. I sure see a lot of it now that I am looking skyward. This simple image of tree and sky brings joy to me.

Tree and sky

Foggy Pathway

Nearly forty years ago, daughter Bridget gave me a CHRISTmas present - a saying that would lead to seventy or so Mantra revisions. I recite daily the saying “Love the present and the energy will reach beyond all boundaries”, with all my revisions - now about one hundred words (too many for this short blog). I knew then, as I better know now, that “LOVE is the answer”, for everything. The title affirmation has evolved from ‘Love the present’ to ‘Love the moment’, to ‘Love in the moment’, to ‘Live LOVE’, to ‘I am One with LOVE’.

I am discovering, I have, as all humans do, a powerful INNER WISDOM that when accessed reduces fear and accesses the LOVE that is in all of us. What a wonderful feeling. That is not to say, my path is clear. It is foggy at best, but continually becoming more clear. I love it!

Foggy Pathway

Light to Highlight

I looked at yesterdays blog and I am compelled to write the following. A little adjustment in exposure, here and there, can make a big difference in how I feel about an image. With a slight adjustment in exposure on both lights and darks, I improved my feel and appeal for Up n Air.

Also, my link to, where you can view a few other images I took ‘running’ to the shore after being inspired by Kelly O’Neal’s work,, didn’t work. Take a look now, if you are so inclined. Look to the tab ‘recent work’.

Up n air edit

Inspired by Minimalism

I am walking Burlington Pine street annual Art Hop with thousands of others, looking to be inspired. I am. I meet Kelly O’Neal,, with an eye-catching display of her minimalist photo landscapes. Her images grab me, and hold me. Kelly’s tag line, ‘Through Motion, I Create Stillness’, is apropos. I love it. I love Kelly’s approach even more after I view her website. I can’t imitate Kelly. I don’t want to imitate Kelly. I move to my own way of minimalism.

Inspired by Kelly, I am moved to walk to the shore of Lake Champlain from Pine street to capture a land and sky minimal like image. The sky is too complex for me - there is so much I want to capture in what I see - what I feel. I can’t do it. After I shoot a dozen or so images, I capture one that may qualify. I call it ‘Up n Air’. I post four images from the journey that catch my attention this motivating evening. See Look under the tab ‘recent work’.

Up n Air

Plane Site

As I walk the path of Black Walnut trees, I reflect: Plenty of growth this year, trees and me. Clouds are wonderful this season - have I not noticed before? My project of skyward photography is a surprising delight. I see a plane in the distance. I enjoy the planes overhead, especially the roaring f-35’s when they are low and in pairs - deafening loud. Lagging sound requires a search for the formidable crafts - impressive form. I sometimes ask myself, WTF? Why in this supposed advanced state of being we need so much military defense? Why war? I think back to the sixty’s saying, “make love, not war”. I am into the idea of LOVE now more than I have ever been. Maybe it is age. Maybe it is wisdom. My sister Bernadette is a good example of loving all that cross her path. I see her great capacity to love while visiting her in the nursing home. WOW.

Plane site



Fifteen - twenty years ago, I used to apply a magenta filter every time I used my 4x5 wooden film camera. I wore rose color glasses for years (inside and out). I miss the tint. It is reflective of my slant on seeing the world. I am reminded of the beauty of a little magenta tint with a recent meet. I processed the image below, that I call Magenta as a result. I love it.

Perspective is important to attitude. Years ago people lived for less than 40 years, now people live over 80 years. At one time, 90% of the world’s population was in poverty, now it is less than 10%. Famine was an issue, now it is not. There was a time when a quarter of the kids didn’t make it past 5 - yes, progress - life is better than what you hear. What a wonderful world. “ I see skis of blue, and clouds of white. The bright blessed days, dogs say good night. … I see friends shaking hands, saying how do you do, they’re really saying I love you…. I think to myself, what a wonderful world”


Morning Glory

It’s the first day of my new year. I am up early for an airport run, so I visit my favorite Adirondack range to see if I can capture a sky treat to top the range. The other day it was fog and rain - no mountains to see. Today it was a clear view of the mountains. You never know what delights from above. I am treated to beauty skyward to accent the wonderful peaks. And afterwards, I enjoyed a solo breakfast, again, at outdoor seating, at the Inn at Shelburne Farms. One of Marianne Williamson’s tapes on A Course in Miracles enhanced my reflections with a lesson on LOVE - a real joyful morning.

Morning glory